Monday, September 14, 2009

Visiting Teaching

So can I just say I love Visiting Teaching (V.T.)!

For those who don't know what V.T. is I will explain. In our church we are asked to visit 1 - 3 other ladies on our congregation each month. We do not just randomly choose who to visit, we are assigned names by the president over the Relief Society (the women's organization in the church). When we visit we usually share a spiritually uplifting message and talk about it. However being a visiting teacher doesn't mean you just go once a month, visit and you are done. No, it means so much more..... it means you watch out for those people and make sure they are taken care of if anything happens to them. I means you learn to love them, and become friends. I guess you could say it is all about having true charity for others.

I did not really understand why people would want this or need this until I got married and started to visit teach other women from all different types of situations. I have learned so much from each of them and from my V.T. partner (we are always assigned a partner too, so we do not have to do it alone).

Some may ask WHY do you love it so much? Well I would say

1. it reminds me of my mission a lot.
2. I get to know amazing people I might not get to know otherwise.
3. I really feel that things don't just happen, for example I feel I am assigned to those people for a reason (either I have something to offer them or I have something to learn from them).
4. I love to have a good girl chat.
5. I feel much better when I take the time to think about other people's situations and how I can help make their situation easier. For example if someone just had a baby I might go over and do dishes, bring them a meal, or see if they need some things from the store, maybe they need a nap and you could watch the baby for an hour. You get the idea.
6. I always grow to love the people I Visit Teach. I don't know it just always happens!
7. You don't have to be perfect. I am a normal person with many faults but I have learned I can still help others.

I think if the whole world had visiting teachers and these visiting teachers loved the people they visited the world would be a much better place cause no one would ever be alone and no one would go without, because true visiting teachers always lift one another and look out for one another because Charity Never Faileth!

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