Sunday, August 24, 2008

Twin Falls Temple Youth Cultural Celebration

We went to Twin Falls this week because Daniel was helping out with the Twin Falls Temple Youth Cultural Celebration. There was a large team from the LDS Church's A/V Productions and a small group of us from BYU-Idaho A/V Productions

We had a nice hotel room. Daniel was convinced that Henrik thought that his parents had come into a large amount money, because the hotel was very fancy.

We went to Shoshone Falls while we were in Twin Falls.

President Monson was at the celebration. Janel tried to get a picture of him as he came in. Alas, our digital camera is a little slow. All we got was his hand.

Daniel was excited to be able to operate a camera for the Celebration. He was asked to do the handheld camera. With the handheld he was able to get "right in the people's grills" (Daniel's words)


amy said...

i was in the temple celebration, and i had such a wonderful experience doing it. in one of the pictures you have, (the cloggers one), i am the first one on the right side. i had an awesome time doing it.
thank you for taking the pictures. especially the one of my back! ;D
amy pierson

Ang said...

I heard it was quite the celebration! I'm especially impressed with that picture of President Monson's hand.

The Hulbert Family said...
